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TI-84 geometpdf და geometcdf ფუნქციები

TI-84 (ძალიან ჰგავს TI-85-სა და TI-89-ს) კალკულატორს გამოყენება გეომეტრიულ შემთხვევით სიდიდეებთან დაკავშირებული გამოთვლებისთვის.

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we looked cuttable standard to be dust dance anime pay automobile we are going to be a drunk artificial birth maybes all most recent Hiroshi Universal maybes our most recent or she is the most issue around altered to or most romantic art eonni duster works is it a conservator McCarty DA or either for tumbleweed up city captain mystery may proportion to adorn Sri D&E and the movie the oxidization didn't ocean wash a jalapeno peace car mm Barry I'm a stubborn he is a twist remote host mutiny I know tougher talk ocean probably cut this most discussions for the Alberta Network Nevada Autry almost a meter melody all this what problem eternity roamed arches about Waterloo Marshall ito-san uses a arm kata Beach Harbor not rockin and gown dinner a tran quoc suggestively pure [ __ ] it's funny but it's what the treasure hunt Hoshi saris we may piss mostly saw Baba - Prasad nice a motorist a week's better bit it's all a show show cannot normally Cyrus Stella but around a no bond and look at the sum of episode releases SH abused and also wrote cartas arm of a [ __ ] now then oppa animal health episode in the burger skillet its arm a table ashamed from day understand on my paramour s eries troll Aubry geometry will appear but it's fadi bogus anybody me Tamarama armed horse she saw was a router was canopy Arabs Chinese arm a demo is a madam Sam train 20 stroke to malama son walks out mom the output thermal water Alden was diam pneumonia Ruby scan me or some [ __ ] Roger this about hibiscus Oh Tommy Tommy Sally's geometry only pyramid is Fatima Graham governmental parameter Saudis are serviced out silly Billy little bodies from Alberto back on this must move me doubles really I wasn't worried about Ava's Moody was a lot from the finnstrom the car tips Bob room left o qaradawi Carter's I can I go um dinner hmep repeated squaddies it's our motto is Abu Toba Aquino Marissa told Audrey Shepherd evolved ultimate enemy Tamarama most dramatically moves Hayden a stream to Scotians for me Maurice orthodontic Artie what he symbol Omega 2 W may pay I'm going to miss Audrey may perish in fish sauce from probably hollow or Maserati era su cartera soda know Tom wheeler butter jam without the number is incremented to Capades Nexus tournament abyss beverages alternative histories artists if they give you Alberto BA from Rosario traverse a metal net ID then go get her bein some guys who passes hey Gladys first at forgettable some shape it was never our dismay please Moses what otic artists hydrosol button there are these movies Moses what ads like really big artists at YouTube you saw what about that form enzymatic artists touch era we saw both of you say ocean horror she traveled on it from there are is how about when we say don't pay mr. gromek see nickname Okada story is mathematically an example appreciate the results let's shake it Roger forgot segi accessory skirt the salmon absurd robots are my devotion from day I'm at emotion however in the demo distorted chatter horse I'm it on a swallow pyramid the some of this road the numbers are not the bush and home the wind are most what is Tony I'm from wash a ciggy pay a missile mix you three sports hey mister I'm trying to put a bit so dick na ho digital biscuit Abacha goes near my grammar with ocean in the room next is a young car gives a listicle a notorious [ __ ] because I chose the spot where is al Martin guy younger shows the model should watch wallopers Ashley charger a bit in a city I'll go to Reebok sumo suits couch near the main character we see mostly get hot I will just cut off Maori I am dog so snotty Ramos a cesarean Miriam fit well he's gotta WA distribute sees disturbances cannot see labelled zero cannot see Liberta Aswad as for conspiracy big box Magnum trainer fatwa should clear the beggar so the bully next alter in a kilometer will appear a budget for this album is cannot syllabus from capture the hall so the city organizer Luciano report this exemption Hoshi mayor gonna move so what is just also wrote around each also at Kolkata she is a mm Judy bar geomet with EFE humid pay a fee thomasville samsara Russ you say give me three wooly probability distribution function uh no now Alberto business cannot syllabus functions here now - Hoshi Munna mute it on Massimo Massimo W currently responds yes when am you Tito how about Oba and what he almost I will terminate the shame is their own search would share quite so dumb couches or E Sega salsa or use the milk ID and I know everything my sermon today how can an ordinary Peter let's for the win immunity to a Sega but the holds are multiple you know Florida bass and all its aromatic miss Alberto message result what polymer is flawed emotional you Tito rowdy no bomb still botamo now a torture put him still warm ups bottom still but I'm sure this may please Moses word so the year so did sadhunam you taught geometry only how about Michigan is that the response mother you both trainee your mother is God sandwich from CSA gather with the council about tipep she mogherini power goes to the bleep geomet PTFE and waste policy now re and even though she gotta with it geomat PDF she Doc Watson really works I goes to the bully over it's a messed up gonna chatter immigrant Italian consulate you think he paid such bullies hopes Alberto bus armata Bush and horrible Thomas ammo artists amoeba saucer manure may pay I am Allah Christmas Alberto Baris pay double of area options worship a are assisting mr. Mehta D we don't show which to swap area also almost a maternity the show vegetation leadership versus come Garuda the estimates emitted macron each sniffing all bike in a bump washes hottest may awkward mid Sarah for mix ers hottest only his coulis pops Russ from chain Stillwater out the new bar on pyramid eats Wadi card is a moral dilemmas are my devotion home day I was focused on uh Canada in array Maris was translate rotate toget bolos crops as this German PDF each other at Horry it's fadi tell me with Passover service Alberto bah I'm Paula priests Aramis at least ask for a bit fruity pretend image does Nolan telly or monster taught me the foetus almost remedy they say this would risk Mia who a bit norm tell hotus almost from it Mia theater since that's a least a little bit the word spread out 40 percent is totally muscled I am Princip same Arabic al quarried kangaroo back to the movie roberto busa McGraw Modi Gavin girl should marry the my summation trots so I am German PDF is - Marie with rock this map is most solid cynical a Bacardi such a reversible option to Oishi it all Zeus taught ot and excellence thought would him a gram mirror it was the consumable and what cynically be cut this cherubs about the boundary to our show the heights arrows from Rob is about my missile a missile XE not Libya that's actually Bob from statistic is that cannabis geometry there fee they seek kneebar geo geo mate c TF tirado I think I'm Fred washes guru smooth the rocker scholarship read a geometry only Alberta biscuits and they were spooky at Tulsa nice rhetoric the bottom at same at Lee Baba exes at the neck level ghoulish mobsters a cigarettes now what a missile mix Cigna band a clippie until it's frozen and mister is Alberto by a missile from each Childress its I must have uh WI water heater on Rick's you'd resource now whatever now but I'm sorry the sometimes ashamed egg saris chatter at home I sure wish that salsa guess what recovering - the Shinto chakra becomes ax is C I know Kumu not serious a jailable Asano Jamboree Alberto babies cannot syllabus puncture a fatwa geometry Willie Camarillo bottles grants and responses in equivalent Orioles Paula Perry chemist the earth-moon camera cannot Suraj a pyramid PDF amalgamation with nagamma EST l GH CDF as good as consumers from Hamas well i am i am alberto burps a kilogram dinner abroad kadavul spartacus spartacus how about her Bubsy toppers ought to be kind of silly buzzy how do you solve a publican said it was easy so they said what your mirror is that she'll come shows room he walks talks about Toby's conceal a bomb the nos 14 mister I'm sure we did Dermot PDF she showed you a German German CDF she remains bullish Pope's hottest hot water with shaker a bus I'm should wash it screech chat with all over to be shaker bus come together while I am thickest know our trees cannot celibacy I'm making the base of the is a great teammate submitted Dickey button all and mod symbol pyramid CDF sheets on the child 0 yes team is submitted in robot robot arm at Ibiza da so on a child's own polo so horribly exist missional bucegi Georgia Tech students son I'm taking the room shake robotics a beast mission robot exhibit about hobbies he's mostly sober to boost me show how now it's got hair stood on each other from John Paul hora de nuestra chose that trust I can end under a sheet daily eating a mushroom dignity estimates empathetic box welcome sheik soonish know about racial torture is running Mutombo loads every artist methods every she's a crib assad the Gamo give audacity rom service tough of it almost 10 percent studies me a ho a bit Nolan Tallyho tests Amity me at Sally's almost as multiple syndicate McGurn muddy mess impatient what's going on the cd-rom respects Moses robot Foreman's a medic artists a team saputo check this video table also Tom opine about certain columns cagnetti bar they say a missile from XE matey at holman zestiria Rome we understood serum ears chemical abou about Marissa ROM exceeded libyan total monopoly assessments equivalent with the option hoshi Nakhla be your occipital Baca understand our club wasn't all by yourself but he said I saw Dermot CDF you got Navarro Camry Alberto babies can easily be spunkier da una gamble intensity which mysteriously be' geomet CD fe terracotta smajsak at home he said I swear to Mesa method there is baba over little Mata Bissell that bullets every Jamuna Abu Dhabi's can easily be Saudis meet home at its own micro Tommy Terrapin lose patience hospira spaces that mr. bull seven each numbered ah hey mister mix of the disturbance I'm at home to double study give you a humid CD Fe mahram nutshell followed by Rama terribly humid Sudhir she shared the world sheltered I saw this race team estimated years I were talking about animal graham woods every SRS metal made a double loss super work number said shedding histories some of that wasn't it - went off a shot neck such treatment a soda singer who a bit no tell Alexis sweet meet me at acids magnum EFT station a gamma velorum Dom its gamma globulin No Limit Alexis she's meeting me at a CD lets us see a mirror with Munir's earthkam of discovery Minos launched ethics air T direction about a Shadrin what was trauma deposit Mia for a bit no loop tell us that remedy me a CD a most determined person either is the semester is Principia but abyss can easily be spooky suck out water wash a mystical Potter stuff Mary with Marty what gauhar han gauri shows for the spa day bizarre bottom