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კურსი: კალკულუსი, ყველა მასალა (2017) > თემა 2

გაკვეთილი 18: რთული ფუნქციის გაწარმოება

დამუშავებული მაგალითი: √(3x²-x)-ის წარმოებული ჯაჭვური წესის გამოყენებით

f(x)=√(3x²-x) არის √x და 3x²-x კომპოზიცია. შესაბამისად, მისი გაწარმოება ჯაჭვური წესით შეგვიძლია. შემქმნელია სალ ხანი.

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გესმით ინგლისური? დააწკაპუნეთ აქ და გაეცანით განხილვას ხანის აკადემიის ინგლისურენოვან გვერდზე.

ვიდეოს აღწერა

see the videos from scouts out me the room I with your sheets kid never taught us Chatwood it's a same let's move on to more simple moves around sir or opposes composites it miserably utterly posea if shakes ISA the Windham is all appearing cowards are more X's murmured some of my John she's Muslim so deep exists our memories Nam Rose reluctantly and Kerrigan pooches mats are Moab EF Proteus what suburbs Hadiya misses for this meme art doesn't wash EF is solemn Tramiel hot jig spoons here the time frame is talking about going from Jessica holt army Tom misses shipped out Sarah Sarah shake see aces from the cowards are more so Gammage it's undergirds our votes had young wishes for this month the minutes cannot exceed the pseudonym or report is a feeder ship insists arm about a number of lead from Elizabeth kunisada Scott's always be my target summer boring if he goes are more shakes is me matter over she goes and works is me Mart is that cool determine teach what they be if it's for the air change see Justin Ellis Nick see she saw wisdom never will transmuted to quell got some rubbish charge Woody's se madam gouget lambda tau in the hotel offers [ __ ] taught him to come from - I know she's not Somali mugs but Somali most of the poop seersucker what quater to the pastry column told pastry Sami quadrats some eggs to other words minnows exceeded the minterm ultimately puts you cowards are more eggs is my most - domina hot no ownership other to post our mission dick Massimo tops a Bugaboo Cipolla businesses operate Seamus its army will be no too much at a composite sees socket Prasad are kamusta hope moose at the competencies solid phenolic sheep whatever truly please read us the caboose of illumination business how can kung fu jia weg neo follow some in Scotland's Minos exceeds Sheamus the South America such a exported mania is a once every mob spiral Rick shape at offered f XE sir Sally Bedell telepathy done she super Mashhad if food cysts are mobile email faulty sponsors exceed horoscope Assad is tbo ready Horace HOD exhales community Minnesota photo boots Nagaraju grips magnum is what we're trying to sell in not Helena gummed in her room each C R is abundantly eared mirrored heart shape his deity mirrored Unigov this mystical Christian T collar stimulation to come back this year tears turn it as a parent must lost ministers knowledge comes our movement of truly arresting me already for Assad each see also EFT mutagenic see how immune system already arrested suta no foolishness Magnum no idea just dig a second P sub or jump she may box multiple email a jig spoons here recently an encoder newly history scratch what of silica Musa Qala base that is some X quadrats musics that honey is well operated to sleep house are more the she re accessor Hadiya Muslims but so really gamma star my Busan if you look she Cyclops goes on web the old rooms in got wha the Gestapo group isn't in the Samsa gonna lose eggs hello Horace Mooney abolition system is did Tom whoppers gum walk the module w8 II AM Rajesh terrific see Sir this apes mean ape 6-8 at funda accented the gamma cat we Muslims all applicants are we exist my heart took some not random at all this Nick systematically Bertrand formula 1 also after the base our email it animal roars gasps a mobile system earth his car gear brawl ifs what's up Jake sees me Martha are I exist momentum it I'm shedding it was finale at who I was from the town we ought to know whether I'm squatting DeShazo shakes it a metal body can be hot Massimo Lee from the other clouds are motifs periodic she s what Polly mom some spirity Punk sees three enzyme do some pills Krisha commissar Coolibar and it's Hulk apocryphal adult will in pastry a merciful villain Superman from Sears I can endure the EF Bootsy trainable [ __ ] other were truly please read a cigar Musa Qala be done Rommel it's mazda luce Mozza burger masala beast nominal system units intimacy heart is as much an ability collapse Amita Marc Luber old existence what made shelter some experts minnows eggs that's what we recover all the bad marriages were very our new system a red card sushi here's a distress is rocketed is shipped out see they super old she mocks each ship vehicle Java story by Castro historic are cuts I could stop me with Oceanics I can I go up there exist not so much of the risk and already promised apologies small bar just a mom said McNiff equate each team a already with the mostess parapet observatory fee as much disparity yes I was making my HTML Roger Hicks see emotion watching exist Rose Thomas Hampson Leonid Sammy each squad rats music see Romy let's move on immune system your it was sure good so much money but if study fixes his away the swap area min-woo system your house she does got hot period Hannah murmur of live normally smell quick flip over poverty have a mirror at Hanuman Rose is cathode roller blue she can eat both house it will be more epoxy sunroom a little too sexy missions are my bullets Hadi up to buy existing partitions whopper accounts are wood Lots maslow's XE X min asserts this gamma so cool above shoulder brew Kodama Odaiba XCX inserts she was discovery comity which a boost the adulthood muggeragem she ideas the beat from to my intercepts porky without fat I am treacherous tatra stasis and judgment ASIS not molest poor Italian Marty regime is Lea - I'm all appears cow chip brow Roberts all reports his compensation is Lea fat Panda camel community see that's Maslow sook where we have both Shaddix SR edition also trans are in Marty odd mucho de bully to semester Lisa seminary Sampras muscle car 6 is a boost