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კურსი: კალკულუსი, ყველა მასალა (2017) > თემა 3

გაკვეთილი 12: ოპტიმიზაცია

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in alternation resolver it would say what is Gillian's they can miss maximal or she says lo mas whoppers he must nish Nostrum condom Watson will also use that this ultimately so maybe some chronic mu house cavaldi is the trailermate was the odd trick indeed an emu Jared quod erat and was like whether they are mutually to Romulus great established at X Sun demanded the Subbalakshmi rotisserie Sabri poor miss Lilly they salt Hickey the rock I thought what was article of just whenever a mere attempt here with his shoes the trend rat commander the concept of this will appear a maximally v1s hopefully Oh hold on visual blood and visual room honey our kitchen graphic is when a premier V comes to hit exist measurement the shame comes report is succeed on mistresses Jamie very hips maximal initials Magnum I mean Oh Sherman abroad visual horizon is Abreu aramid who could calculus element emission Witten's much is then in martyrium graphic eat and Trent's are happy be eliminated this most with the chocolate is punky punky a gamma so hit hold our products is measured with the buna period is must shows that a miss message Thiago Siskel Apogee to abroad new leader Adam digs in their motion report maximally a mystique serum which let's push him to maximal donation all of us the robot will directly key they would collaborate with others in a widow sheets magnet when every cell is geometry soma human reason they was out silly bloody BT intervallic typical what property comes millibar swoops real good Oh Pasha that's called American and gaunt in a red train tout ascetics how easy gasosaurus are a time ago to mix in the popular volatile but no read an item DiMaggio hello I'm pumped er she nearly done newly the return the egg histories maximal or initial news reports alien mother Melissa Coppola Tahu admitted a thermal attachment on 2 May our mutuality some thoughts from Methodist career this component quadriceps ultimate he done the shell gravity I am news Miriam D maximum odds will be some call me here hoods double every is half the week nabobs odd module by Novartis all eternity sandwich poverty mere for to rooster to go intercept autosomal to fit in Kelly summer sexy mayor Magnum is its new total devotion cushy or the other section - Emily - Oh / - hold on hold this voloom hahaha what we saw Brooke miss technical hobbies a DA eager to double doses causes what we'd cut out not he give us another Kundalini you study giving me Bob McGraw moody option washoku got a witness cuts are move as the car tecna's AC rest about should for sure this has much much movie from allah to do this multiple son Namrata really miss him it had an overall immigrant Monica ah Marty would missing obstacle formula 6.13 share along she owes does mean for the Excaliber will boot single Sonic's at the coast of Chile mockolate was that she would see our reception was a scam well Cody Bob was that chair Alexia Minos was that chair Greeks as he can about some was XE shampoo she me no sobbing soon the Gamma Rho loads as a lots more Sims minnows warmest 6wm window so reeks umbrella wso leaks is a taste from Tim's minnows are absurd real similar music immunotherapy Lucy Minnesota he eats other it I wish the best solution alpha body which will be some of them dogs not suburbanos not the make me my XE but I'm selling off the do bureau active aloe juice it what's here amid Mary and mines quality of individual to Tom Phillips out talk off she retraced where it's ever be market all he exposed article modes in general she make me lose so much that the news for matzo stomach never minnows hace big sea horses time atiba X's the bullzooka subbulu a Topeka hot discuss now is a note he scoops chemical a buoy I see each squad RT will use extra six Tammy Wynette [ __ ] they're a bit gamma T V modulo B's comes up a formula and my internships roomie leaks is twisted ups is Lucia maximal or newschnoz that food option for shut their saw body box Google Cisco such when every real maximal would be the minimal gonna show to win that juror bit loopy role as all sound robot missing critical turtle oh-ho critically turtle be mr. hippo NEPA machine notices focused on Mary Anne Maria Anna I'm eatin here counter mode what's illegal most awfully but the report mrs. Alma will literally kill Magra I think ensign was a sober modest puppet telltale he avenged original suitors Audigier Sammy with an eternity ex cathedra Mossad commode the bow or gyasi on water 6e produce excess Italian Marty what move your head [ __ ] concept when you publish it Academy seats are my bruise no mercifully formal the institution v po missing critical Italy it's our mobile unit was nourished only and our mobile yun daeho's caramel sauce creamy caramel sauce really must have yet we lost our immunity under the bus image of myself want to give up my ground outside wooden economy hot nights and Tom are podium is he a vegetable sixty from Massachusetts very strict immigrants as world may be smeared extremely 7hs what am I most awfully boshy Rathbone democ seemed suppose super districts chiffon ticks if I were Strix name is Miriah in maybe smear muses forbidden Lewis was robe under Roman external much Assad Hauser would out silver the Boyd's a possible worst risks a meetin moved where Caracas elect me or a mutation from his colostomy tomorrow maybe smelly fish that Augustus early Westridge na Graham at Cornish M is very poetic said anomalous results which difficult about new restore and report matzo meal appointees male be and Rohde sudras tour medics quadrats minnows or a six Bruce ecstasy news medallion Marty Marty we could hit her with the trainer moves now pump discernible in the gout would no sound of a boat but Somali exists multiple from this newly restored shame easily a cargo rachet Kotzebue Karkat hologram when going to be a doubt of this reversal is shall be revelatory controller with a most NASA does from the report discriminant is a deuce no boat ecstatic sorry Mohammed II collectors daughter Shamu globally hundred thousand helix it from XE Cyril mottier to dismiss base and warez pls news will be a discriminant Eden on Minnesota's quality will dr. Boris is quality Minos otriad say on a three camera liberal scholars coefficient is a the conformist probably cut an excess an Italian tea did it's good time with shish kebab double every year come on water so many sky o plus above Adam she already passed an x-coordinate is no coefficient is water numerals and making most all visible jump on reset is exist our Munna Munna video we could never work with a monotony each 30 counties husband back will you sit follow each sorry Genesis Rabbah music is a universal remotes discriminatorily so that exists is shattered a week so it's a mitten module would come bottom a gram Magnum drug we are on some it's near coldwater Regan overload Samus Aran called avatar which Marat Tammy Kiba Saba William Shira is a what has Minos ultratour major ecstasy for mid-year both their exes for sale for material sure exes II battle it's a lease kajada out well a person chemical this warm woodsy utter see the damage a moment left me I saw a sea mullet it's pretty risky gamma sub polemic was loose here to mediate us or us whole Testament episode sedum kendama what caudal tulip history as far as minutiae Turkish name for period Gomorrah le amitin Guadalupe is reminded subsided on and then his colleague neighbor the soldier under profession Adama Sarah first immediate as boris eden merrit halfway with us putting telly romney attitude nominal Roberta's wouldn't held dramatists an Makeba auras Lewis us booty teledrama tiramillas Europa or dr. Z illusory mom seems auras minnows ass Hotel Rami hid Shepherd ebullience doctor I want even a hot tea Tony Martinez waters out syllable une des Garcons true mixi castlevania new lead an adult other channel is comparable but the Moody righto I get a sweet area music ah so sorry they say Horus Horus time Madiba a scooting territoire me a TD Roma leads us was doctors established or mentally srida me at the Tahoe limit I'm Restless me away with tournament until feeding methods the parakeet a musician why she left them for us from the camera caught us putting today Romney at a deep this water on the guy was was that was it the mob Simon Haley permeated Tahoe with mugs Sanford's comedy Mia who I better service so until its community turns up at world rather than ETA gases will normally done at Hyundai interval XI but continuous data shuttle it we're gone again appeared on work and similar eyes on Gonzalez David permittivity how to say don't wear works as some screwed on Gaza do Suresh I'm interested if the experiments me mad Kiba what solution Toshiba Claude Tahoe a bit seventeen is committed amid on calculus is possible with kangaroos she was new or impartial Hyundai from XE rot somebody's son tells from me at assumption to Oishi mutsuo bar Muslims consequent porno each dilemma maximal original stomata chocolate muscles of militia module is a module Oba a Gotama table surface area or three groups both he scoffs minnows are six brothers produce extra six the one who agree on most of all gossip for the Basharat such how swamp made James X from innocence until it's from me a TD they say Santa is committed a colorable some transfer methods a terrible result alternate as a corollary Auto sleep service eerily the second reverse was the treatment in Haley water some detection I'm assume the time mottos if such chair sometimes committed on network and Ruby re-engage with Roberts knowledge Cosmo is a little bit also the treatment in tele or a summer detection adi roso the treatment le auras Samos detection T metacenter m osika Madiba each squad at Jerez ammu sometimes family this quadratic camera memory as a physical network opt need Minos at Espada so thirsty Minos Otis Otis austerity dasa babaji mark saucer da-da-da-da-da-da Kawara story given a steamroller gonna be real campers diameter by X's cheer Santelli scrod me at it from a little is areolas some solos only use or ietters summer so much what is called a petit Auberge a mood also the Trinity Hayley on a summer stationary Ramos's alkyl debe artists HOTAS host ft / Moses in Madiba aureus samasource solutions Mo's most artists almost attachment Mattel auras samosa textual moon oblivious to these services must oculus myriad artists or Mazda text materially or us suppose the text with somebody when I thought Romney with scenic Oliver generally sultriness Paula Puri a visual world also hit me read authors one was detection team kami-sama sexy Mia Cassidy Aloha maybe read artists almost at MIT Haley was supposedly food Italian see radius Tommy labor McGraw EFT will be still in every way give us a bar the edge to momentum Syria room packed abroad most opposite of them universal relation to it I've called a water mission to at how is simply very multi bully worry with such Michigan was happening formulated a uni a market is it was a spaceship or mullah with ocean towards had visual red girdle twittering maximal roofie although arc just add a cube formulas come at you a bit the shampoo she cuts are my beat me read it chest of machetes McGraw in a particular manner she somebody on the couch armor this wall up Harry tell me villages of a mystique see Sam tell its Cara Mia TB the story times until it's her method is just initiating admitted maximal ghanoush Nobunaga ROM secretory is maximally the critical it a little minimum is much in a political turtle Alicia summers revolted Kamala to such a robust mitosis partnership Washington which roller admitted remark almost nicola logworks that will never realize he can have a maximum me mother miss visual room harem are sold another tree now super MOA Chan - a Muslim was a really exist us absolutely maximum it requires a filter a minimum e on our global maximum me and at the very minimum I wish a researcher community America Malibu with the channel butter I'm Shin ha Gyung Joon Ga'Hoole work in relation to Radha we should resolve or deport marker optics are such heroes as for paragraph it was Mara hold them hold caucuses causes problem kannada ragini with the sack modesty masamori excess polish and Russia she Saba me see V Maximus Bona winter secretary is maximal Riviera's to minimal ratio maximum started where sun's power was really from CSIS Amadou memory guitar memory ignore boon every we are a commuter and imperialism of relaxed area may already be thermal brick niba thermally each other this time we are was the Hicks me moose limosaurus terrain marked what time Marty we also got struck tourists Marissa will move ahead tomatillo hood matzah Munich sisters Santa Lee's army registries vanish and Xmas say sometimes committed his trysts McNabb era most doctors until it's a mutiny no it's no salary their shouts liberally on Cory's arm of snob intermission distrusted immediate work opt Maronites is a close game over Claude Morrissey to make no me nociception tell him a Polish and projection theorem so very much water Oh Pete Lucien Allah birthday the radical Matsumoto similar etiquettes our briefs were opt is him as newschnoz from cell body mouse mode similar to discussion while mostly kilo birthday there are condoms other strips graphic it's on Watsonville turtle is Gershon walk marks almost Nicky Lee interval llamas mikealinda Rocha this is terribly no suit all day blah i acro terribly newly on missing fabulous a horizontal or even Olivia somebody box maximum Zener is jihad maximum is certainly low-calorie maximum to help from score maximal Amazo petite English over which cooks a yak our cactus a shindig thumbs up una bravia newly dammit on the interval she can mean we hit maximum neutral Oba eke producers issues some tots families from Yahoo a bit how much more Bob's training he got so they believed calculus she also a bit cutters Rita Thomas Potro spoon Olivia but when the visual goddess bless others me a bit sometimes Harris was doubt he Miata Cydia is partially followed mrs. Xu Sam tells Hamlet it's me Alicia Saba me see wait da at upon the maximal revealed results almost addiction it's Mia hallo mede he's a very good visual editor - at one a serious tone will ever be is this no artistic our gear my gram sabha job she actively mistress other city actually B's God misogyny train shall show the Letran connect with you Thomas in Maxima Laurie what is maximal or she stands war maneuverability popular artists one was affectionately Santa met watered at monomial orbit